Workshop on
Evolutionary Computation and Decision Making (EC+DM)
at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2025 (GECCO 2025)
Solving real-world optimisation problems typically involve an expert or decision-maker. Decision making tools have been found to be useful in several such applications e.g., health care, education, environment, transportation, business, and production. In recent years, there has also been growing interest in merging Evolutionary Computation (EC) and decision-making techniques for several applications. This has raised amongst others the need to account for explainability, fairness, ethics and privacy aspects in optimisation and decision-making. This workshop will showcase research that is both at the interface of EC and decision making. The workshop on Evolutionary Computation and Decision Making (EC + DM) to be held in GECCO 2025 aims to promote research on theory and applications in the field. Topics of interest include:
Interactive multiobjective optimisation or decision-maker in the loop
Visualisation to support DM in EC
Aggregation/trade-off operators & algorithms to integrate decision maker preferences
Fuzzy logic-based DM techniques
Bayesian and other DM techniques
Interactive multiobjective optimisation for (computationally) expensive problems
Using surrogates (or metamodels) in DM
Hybridisation of EC and DM
Scalability in EC and DM
DM and machine learning
DM in a big data context
DM in real-world applications
Use of psychological tools to aid the decision-maker
Fairness, ethics and societal considerations in EC and DM
Explainability in EC and DM
Accounting for trust and security in EC and DM
Please feel free to contact us in case you have any questions about the session
Tinkle Chugh: t.chugh@exeter.ac.uk
Richard Allmendinger: richard.allmendinger@manchester.ac.uk
Ana Belen Ruiz: abruiz@uma.es
We invite papers up to 8 pages relevant to the workshop and position papers of up to 2 pages showing preliminary results. We also welcome posters, demonstrations or presentations on ground-breaking theoretical and application results in the field. Accepted papers will be published in the GECCO Companion Proceedings and will be presented orally at the workshop.
For paper submission instructions and templates, please see paper submission instructions<https://gecco-2025.sigevo.org/Paper-Submission-Instructions>.
We follow the double-blind review process. Please make your submission is anonymous.
Keynote: Mariano Luque, Professor of Mathematics in Economics, University of Malaga, Spain
Important (STRICT) deadline dates
Submission opening: February 10, 2025
Submission deadline: March 26, 2025
Notification: April 28, 2025
Camera-ready: May 5, 2025
Author's mandatory registration: May 8, 2025
Best regards,
Ana Belen, Richard and Tinkle
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