Monday, March 25, 2013

[DMANET] Postdoc positions at the Ecuadorian Center on Mathematical Modelling

3 Postdoc positions at the Ecuadorian Research Center on Mathematical
Modelling (ModeMat)

The Ecuadorian Research Center on Mathematical Modelling (ModeMat) at
Escuela Politecnica Nacional de Quito invites applications for three
postdoctoral positions in the following areas:

(1) parallel computing of solutions to partial differential equations,
(2) computational methods for image processing, and
(3) optimization of public transportation systems.

The Research Center on Mathematical Modelling (ModeMat) is a
multidisciplinary center that aims at developing new mathematical and
computational techniques and building innovative mathematical models for
solving problems arising in different application areas. The current
application areas of the center are:

* Optimization and control
* Logistics and transport
* Modeling and simulation in the biosciences

Successful candidates should have a PhD in Applied Mathematics and have
demonstrated potential for excellence in research. Previous postdoc
experience is highly desirable.
The initial appointment will be for one year and is renewable for up to
two years. The salary ranks between 2.400 USD and 4.320 USD per month,
depending on experience. Additional benefits like medical insurance,
travel funding and others are included. The
position will be financed trough the ecuadorian Prometeo initiative.
Applications consisting of a letter of application, current vita,
statement of research interests and 2 letters of recommendation should be
sent to

Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos De los Reyes
Centro de Modelización Matemática (ModeMat)
EPN Quito, Ecuador

Dr. Luis Miguel Torres
Departamento de Matemática
Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Ladrón de Guevara E11-253 - Quito - 2507144 ext. 2231

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