[ Apologies for multiple copies ]
Third International SAT/SMT Summer School
Aalto University, Otaniemi Campus
Espoo, Finland, July 3-5th, 2013
Registration for the school is now open. Applications for student
grants provided by the EU COST Action Rich-Models Toolkit are due
by March 29th, 2013. Full details of the registration procedure are
available at the school website (http://satsmt2013.ics.aalto.fi/).
The SAT/SMT Summer School aims at providing graduate students and
researchers from universities and industry with a comprehensive
overview of research and methodology in satisfiability testing (SAT)
and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). The lectures cover the
foundational and practical aspects of SAT and SMT technologies and
their applications.
The third edition follows the schools that took place at MIT (SAT/SMT
Solver Summer School 2011) and at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (SAT/SMT
School 2012) in Trento, Italy. The 16th International Conference on
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2013) is
arranged at University of Helsinki the following week (see
The program will feature four lectures per day, with the first two
days dedicated to SAT and SMT, and the last to special topics. Two
of the lectures will be organized as tutorials giving hands-on
experience on SAT/SMT-based modelling.
List of invited lecturers:
- Olaf Beyersdorff, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
- Alessandro Cimatti, IRST, Trento, Italy
- Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
- John Franco, University of Cincinnati, USA
- Enrico Giunchiligia, University of Genova, Italy
- Marijn Heule, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Joao Marques-Silva, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Albert Oliveras, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
- Stefan Szeider, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
A more detailed program is available at the school website
Organizing committee:
Keijo Heljanko, Aalto University
Tomi Janhunen, Aalto University
Matti Jarvisalo, University of Helsinki
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