Wednesday, September 7, 2022

[DMANET] PhD position in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning / Artificial Intelligence, TU Graz

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The recently created Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) group
at the Institute of Software Technology, Graz University of Technology,

a funded PhD student position

within knowledge representation and reasoning, and with a particular
focus in the field of Computational Argumentation in Artificial

Central aims of Computational Argumentation are to investigate
representations of arguments, study their relationships, and perform
automated argumentative reasoning, with application domains, e.g., in
medical or legal reasoning, and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI).

With the PhD project, we will advance the state of the art of
foundational research on the complex reasoning process underlying
argumentation. You will work on tasks ranging from representational
aspects, such as preference handling and explainability, to
computational aspects, such as complexity analysis and algorithmic
solutions for challenging (NP-hard) reasoning tasks.

We are looking for motivated and talented applicants with good
university degrees (MSc or equivalent) in Computer Science or
Mathematics (or comparable fields), and with solid background in one or
more of:
-logic, knowledge representation and reasoning, non-monotonic reasoning,
-logic programming, answer set programming, Boolean satisfiability,
-formal methods in computer science, e.g., computational complexity theory,
-graph theory, discrete mathematics, or
-strong implementation skills motivated by challenging combinatorial
problems and interest in theory.

The position is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), full-time,
and fixed-term for three years. The contract will be under the
collective agreement for university employees at TU Graz. Candidates
should be independent in organising their work, keen on working with
teams of experts (project partners), and fluent in English, oral and
written. Starting time can be as soon as possible, but some degree of
flexibility is possible.

An inclusive environment and balancing family and career are important
aspects to the group and university. We encourage women to apply.

Applications with
-a full curriculum vitae,
-a statement of your research interest,
-your Master's thesis and a list of subjects studied (together with
grades), and
-other relevant documents (e.g., recommendation letters)
should be sent electronically to Assistant Professor Johannes P.
Wallner, if possible as a single pdf file. In case of questions, don't
hesitate to contact Wallner for more information.

Deadline for applications is September 30, 2022.

-Contact Johannes P. Wallner:
call for applications:
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