Invited speakers include:
* Robert Andrews (U Waterloo)
* Markus Bläser (Saarland U)
* Chia-Yu Chang (U Toulouse)
* Jan Draisma (U Bern)
* Pranjal Dutta (Singapore)
* Michael Forbes (U Illinois)
* Ankit Garg (MS Research India)
* Olga Holtz (UC Berkeley & TU Berlin)
* Christian Ikenmeyer (U Warwick)
* Kathlén Kohn (KTH Stockholm)
* Pravesh Kothari (Princeton U)
* Amichai Lampert (U Michigan)
* Partha Mukhopadhyay (CMI)
* Harold Nieuwboer (U Copenhagen)
* Nitin Saxena (IIT Kanpur)
* Amir Shpilka (Tel Aviv U)
* Chris Umans (Caltech)
There is some funding available for early career researchers. For more information and to register, please visit our website.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Best wishes,
Maxim van den Berg, Vladimir Lysikov, Michael Walter, Jeroen Zuiddam
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