XXI Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry
Santander, June 30th to July 2nd, 2025
The XXI Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry will take place at Universidad de Cantabria (Spain), June 30th to July 2nd, 2025. The topics of this international conference include the current issues in the field of Discrete and Computational Geometry, both in its theoretical and applied aspects.
The expected participation includes researchers from the area or from closer disciplines, undergraduates, master students or doctoral students, and professionals from companies and institutions whose work involves the use of geometric algorithms.
The EGC (Encuentros de Geometría Computational) have a history span of 35 years, with Santander being where its first edition took place in 1990, and this being the fourth time our city hosts the meeting. See https://egc2025.unican.es/35-years-of-egc/.
The program will have three invited talks by:
- Delia Garijo (U. Sevilla, Spain)
- Michael Joswig (T.U. Berlin, Germany)
- Raimund Seidel (U. Saarland, Germany)
There will also be slots for contributed talks to be submitted by the participants and selected and approved by the Scientific Committee.
Submissions will open soon.
Registrations are now open, with a cost of 200€ (130€ students) for early registration until 31st May.
Important dates:
- Registration: open.
- Submissions: opens soon.
- Submission deadline: April 13th, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: May 23th, 2025
- End of early registration: May 31st, 2025
- Final versions due: June 9-16, 2025
- Conference: June 30-July 2, 2025
Scientific Committee
Maike Buchin, Ruhr-University Bochum
Sergio Cabello, University of Ljubljana
Narcís Coll Arnau, Universitat de Girona
Francisco Criado, CUNEF Universidad (co-chair)
David Flores, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Marta Fort i Masdevall, Universitat de Girona
Clemens Huemer, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
David Kirkpatrick, University of British Columbia
Georg Loho, University of Twente and Free U. Berlin
David Orden, Universidad de Alcalá
Pablo Pérez Lantero, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Vincent Pilaud, Universitat de Barcelona
Francisco Santos, Universidad de Cantabria (co-chair)
Carlos Seara, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Rodrigo Silveira, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Organizing Committee
David I. Alcántara García, Universidad de Cantabria
Mónica Blanco Gómez, Universidad de Cantabria (co-chair)
Luis Crespo Ruiz, Universidad de Cantabria
Francisco Santos Leal, Universidad de Cantabria (co-chair)
For more information please visit our website
The organizing committee
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